talkkonnect oled

talkkonnect orangepi zero with 0.96 OLED screen startup process

Checkout the video for showing the startup process of orangepi zero at

talkkonnect OrangePi Zero OLED 0.96 I2C Interface

13 Replies to “talkkonnect oled”

  1. Hello Suvir,
    finally you are make my final project (Orange Pi Zero + I2C 0,96″ Oled) :-)))) Tanks a lot
    What OS do you use for this board?
    Until your last release I’ve used DietPi (beacause it’s very easy and light) witouth any problem.
    TALKKONNECT run very well with on board sound in/out and GPI.
    Now I’m trying your last release to test with the Oled I2C display but when start TK some error going to stop quikly the program:

    [ info ] 2019/04/27 15:48:47 Talkkonnect Version 1.46.13 Released April 17 2019
    [ info ] 2019/04/27 15:48:47
    [ info ] 2019/04/27 15:48:49 Connected to TALKKONNECT on attempt 0
    [ info ] 2019/04/27 15:48:49 Welcome message:
    Welkome to TALKKONNECT.
    Enjoy your stay!
    [ info ] 2019/04/27 15:48:50 Channel TALKKONNECT Server has no other participants
    [ info ] 2019/04/27 15:48:50 Joined Channel Name: VIDEO ID 1
    Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
    Cannot connect to server request channel
    jack server is not running or cannot be started
    JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr – Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
    JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr – Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
    [ info ] 2019/04/27 15:48:50 tk01 Changed Channel to VIDEO
    [ info ] 2019/04/27 15:48:50 Roger Beep File /home/talkkonnect/gocode/src/ Playing!
    panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
    [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x14 pc=0x586a4c]

    goroutine 37 [running]:
    panic(0x95a148, 0x96c48010)
    /usr/lib/go-1.7/src/runtime/panic.go:500 +0x33c*Stream).StopSource(0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
    /home/talkkonnect/gocode/src/ +0xbc*Talkkonnect).TransmitStop(0x96dde1c0, 0x1)
    /home/talkkonnect/gocode/src/ +0x370*Talkkonnect).initGPIO.func2(0x96dde1c0)
    /home/talkkonnect/gocode/src/ +0x170
    created by*Talkkonnect).initGPIO
    /home/talkkonnect/gocode/src/ +0x2c8

    I’ve my own murmur server.
    Do you have some help for me?
    Thanks Suvir for you big work with TK

    1. …for the jack server, I’ve solved installing “jackd”!
      for other errors, I need your help 😉

        1. Giulio,
          Good to know you found the solution. The sample files have been tested and work with the specified boards and displays.

          Thank you for using talkkonnect and for your feedback. Do let me know what you are using talkkonnect for and what are your plans with it.


  2. Dear Suvir,
    I try to setup for i2c oled without success.
    I allwais have this error:
    Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
    Cannot connect to server request channel
    jack server is not running or cannot be started
    JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr – Init not done for -1, skipping unlock
    JackShmReadWritePtr::~JackShmReadWritePtr – Init not done for -1, skipping unlock

    TK connects to my server regularly. Audio, LEDs and switches work well. The OLED still black.
    I tryed other Oled setup like
    and OLED work fine.
    Can you explain what OS, settings, dependancy, library and driver you have used for the project?
    I’m going to use TK for a LAN/WiFi Intercom.
    Regards Giulio

  3. Dear Suvir,
    first of all I want to say Thank You! for this great project! My plan is to build a cheap family-intercom system. The Hardware is an Orange Pi Zero H2+ with 512MB and I want to use an OLED as well as Giulio does.
    I’ve prepared a 16GB Sandisk SD-Card with Armbian Bionic Linux 5.4.30. A Mumble-Server runs actually for some testing on a Raspberry Pi, which I use for Octoprint primarily.
    After two days of trying I was able to compile the program. Following your installation-instructions on GitHub I got stuck with the prompt command “go get”. I think it had to do with the paths. The user talkonnect could not access the go compiler or sth. like that… really a mess, when you are not that familiar with Armbian, as I am.
    In the end I deleted the user talkkonnect and added it again without this –disabled-password –disabled-login –gecos “” options. I needed to add talkkonnect to the sudoers as well.
    The program starts now and connects to my mumble server – great! At the first attempts it disconnected after a second or so. That problem could easily be solved by adding the user talkkonnect to the i2c Group (needed to activate i2c with armbian-config before) and taking over the ownership of the /var/log/talkkonnect.log file. Text to speech does not work at the moment, because talkkonnect has no permission to run aplay I guess.
    Next step is to get the GPIOs going. I added a group gpio, that does obviously not exist in the Armbian distro, but I have no idea how to go any further. Maybe Giulio can help. Do I need to install a special package to access the GPIOs?

    Kind regards and thank you again for your work,

    1. Dear Martin,
      for now my suggestion to get the quickest results is just try to run talkkonnect as root use to make sure everything is working ok. That would be the easiest way to make sure it is not a permissions problem.

  4. Dear Suvir,

    now my TalkKonnect Orange-Pi zero is up and running!
    The Tx-Button does not work as expected. Sometimes it switches, sometimes not. Using the keyboard F8 & F9 there is no problem.
    Do I need a pull-up (or pull-down) resistor for the button?
    I’ve installed WiringOP. You didn’t mention that in your installation instructions, but my opinion was it could be neccessary for the Orange Pi Zero, because the group gpio does not exist on a fresh installed Armbian for the OPiz.
    Kind regards,

    1. Martin,
      I remember vaguely that someone else who used the zero it is very important which GPIO port you choose. Because each individual GPIO is different. See in the sample-configs folder for the ports I used which worked. If you choose the wrong port this erratic behavior is expected.

  5. Suvir,
    I followed exactly the sample-config for the Orange Pi Zero. The Tx-Button-Pin is GPIO 18 at the moment, but I will try a different one.
    The Tx-Button behaves, as if it isn’t debounced…

  6. Hello Suvir,

    I’ve found sth. strange. In the sample xml for the OPiz the GPIO 18 is used twice:


    That could be the reason for this erratic behavior, I guess….

  7. Hello Suvir,
    Problem solved! Using GPIO 19 for the (whilst commented out the upbuttonpin in the talkkonnect.xml) makes everything work as expected. While holding down the Tx-Toggle Button and pressing the Tx-Button, Tx is latched. Pressing the Tx-Button again sets it to Push-to-talk (PTT) again.
    Is that documented somewhere?
    Now my OLED seems to be damaged 🙁 – guess it happened while experimenting with pull-up/pull-down resistors, which are not needed here.
    Next problem to solve is TTS (Text-to-speech). Somewhere you’ve stated, that pulseaudio is not necessary, ALSA is ok.
    In the talkkonnect.log there are several messages like this: “set volume failed: failed to execute “pactl set-sink-volume 0 70%” (exit status 1)”
    Pulseaudio is installed (pactl –version -> pact 11.1).
    Any idea?

  8. Martin,
    for Single board computers actually you need only ALSA for Raspberry pi remove pulse audio. Pulse audio was for desktop linux usage. Better to remove it totally on single board computers.

    Regarding the PINOUTS
    Below is Comments from Zoran
    Orange PI Zero buttons need pull-up resistors. Or the presses will be
    unreliable. We noticed some GPIO numbers are more reliable in
    Orange Pi Zero (without pull up) while some wont even work without

    But all GPIO are good for output (LED’s) as they are.

    PTT, channel buttons better have pull ups.

    Unlike buttons on Raspberry Pi where there are internal pull-ups.
    No harm adding them, but usually not needed.

    If GPIO can not be specified for some functions (run out of them),
    entries can be left empty or “0” will mean GPIO wont be called?
    I think you made this change?

    Orange Pi Zero 26 pin header is short of 1-2 GPIO for
    all the functions in TK. I think I needed to choose between
    panic button and PTT toggle. So we are 1 button function short, or
    we can sacrifice some led. I find it hard to say what gpio people
    should use, any should work, but we can recommend some starting
    point. Its good that people start from getting familiar with GPIO map
    and then make their own plan how to wire.

    They might like some GPIO assignment plan better than other.

    I will try to put some notes for Orange Pi together.

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