Since there are many new members interested in talkkonnect, there are many emails I receive in a week. We are ready to answer your questions by voice chat using mumble.
Please join us using the following mumble connection details
for other mumble clients
You can set any name you would like to be called
Join the Channel HAM-CB
We will be standing by when we can, talk to you guys soon!
for talkkonnect
<account name="community-talkkonnect" default="true"> <!-- Server identifier and enabler -->
<serverandport></serverandport> <!-- server:port of mumble server to connect to -->
<username>yourname</username> <!-- Mumble Username that will be used to authenticate on the mumble server -->
<insecure>true</insecure> <!-- Set to true of your server doesnt require a certificate-->
<certificate></certificate> <!-- Full Path to Certificate if Certificate is needed by Server -->
<channel>HAM-CB</channel> <!-- Initial Channel on The Server to Move to after successful connection -->
<ident>yourname yoursurname</ident> <!-- The identity to be sent in a panic situation -->