Features of Talkkonnect Version 1.2 December 2018 release

I have been working hard on talkkonnect to bring the new features as listed below. The aim was to make talkkonnect
a fully customizable standalone desktop transceiver/gateway using the mumble protocol.

You will be able to download a copy of this latest release of software soon on github

Please visit us at www.talkkonnect.com and github.com/talkkonnect

Suvir Kumar

New Release Of talkkonnect December 2018 Version 1.20 Stable has the following features

1. Inspired by FreeSWITCH we have created an XML Configuration File which Opens a Plethora of Possibilities, making talkkonnect more
usable and versatile in the field.

2. You can now have multiple mumble accounts with server profiles and move between accounts by enabling the default tag to true/false

3. In the accounts section you can define server address and port, username and password, certificates, primary channel to join and your personal ident

4. In the global part there are 2 main sub-parts namely the software and hardware configurations.

The Software Section of the XML configuration file

5. In Software settings you can set the logging file information.

6. In Software AutoProvisioning part (HTTP) you can enable/disable AutoProvisioning, Set the ID of the machine, Set URL to get the provisioning file,
and set the name and path that you want to save the local config xml file to.

7. There is a Beacon function in which you can play a periodic WAV announcement into the channel where you can enable/disable this feature,
set the period in seconds in which you wish to send out the beacon message, set the file and path of the WAV file and set the volume of the message.

8. There is now text to speech functionality added to talkkonnect in which you can granularity control which event you want to enable/disable, the
volume of each event and the WAV file to play when each event fires.

9. There is an SMTP function which works with GMAIL where you can define your GMAIL credentials so that you can send local location information
via Gmail and also create a clickable link to show your position on google maps.

10. For the Software Sound settings your can enable/disable and set sounds for events, alerts, rogerbeep and chimes. You can also set the corresponding
WAV/MP3 Files to play and also set the volume for each type of sound.

11. There is also a TX Timeout feature which you can disable/enable it and also set the maximum time in seconds that a user can press the transmit key before
the tx timer fires and stops transmission, this is to prevent stuck keys and when interfaced to RF modules in the future to prevent problems caused
by stuck TX keys.

12. All Keyboard functions on the original menu are now available via HTTP API call in which the port can be defined. There is a granular control
for each function so the user can decide which commands will be available or not available via HTTP API

The Hardware Section of the configuration XML file

13. You can define which GPIO Pins you want to use for Voice Activity LED, Participants LED, Transmit LED and Online LED

14. You can disable/enable the heart beat LED/Signal feature and customize the period and duty cycle of the Heartbeat to match your requirements.

15. You can define which GPIO Pins you want to use as input push buttons for tx, channel up, channel down and panic button

16. You can have a physical rocker switch to set your comment or away messages telling your friends if you are available or not available when they
press F10 to display online users and information.

17. In The LCD screen (HD44780 Parallel Interface 4×20) you can now define the backlight timer and pins for interfacing the raspberry pi to the LCD

18. You can now connect a USB GPS/Glonass U-Blox7 GPS module and set the interfacing parameters in the XML file

19. In The panic function you can set the filename and path of the WAV file you want to send if you press the panic button. You can also set the volume
of the sound file you want to send. You can choose to send your customizable ident, panic message. You can also choose to send your GPS coordinates, finally
you can set a TX timer to keep talkkonnect capturing sound via the microphone and TX enabled for a defined amount of seconds.

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