Thank you to all those people who made this project possible

A list of people /organizations I would like to thank. Without these people talKKonnect would not be possible. I have learned so much and had so much fun and sleepless nights building this device

  • Tim Cooper for the gumble library and for barnard a text based mumble client for cli linux
  • Daniel Chote for making talkiepi
  • The developers who created and maintain the mumble protocol and server
  • Raspberry Pi Foundation
  • FreeSWITCH, Anthony Minessale II and the freeswitch team
  • Linux Foundation and the people who create and maintain linux
  • Arduino and ESPRESSIF
  • The creators and maintainers of golang
  • The solder smoke podcast and those homebrewers who show their work on the internet
  • Tayeb Meftah who was always there to test talKKonnect and give me inspiration
  • Ariya my little girl who could somehow manage to make talKKonect core dump
  • Mumble free online public server FPS Network Server 4 Fillipino Gamers who were always there as a great for testing the sound quality and the functioning of talKKonnect on a live production server
  • and so many more of those selfless people who share their knowledge and experience ….


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